Liv Avtar Yoga

Empowered Woman One ~ 4 Week Kundalini Yoga Series in Syracuse

“The flower doesn’t dream of the bee.  It blossoms and the bee comes.” ~ Mark Nepo
Join me for this transformative 4-week series of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. I will guide you in fostering your relationship with your body, mind and spirit. Powerful and practical techniques will help you discover your own power and bring to light your beauty, strength, and radiance. This transformative series was originally compiled by Teja Shanti Kaur and I’m very excited to begin sharing here in Syracuse.
When: Thursdays, 6:00pm to 7:30pm from September 27th, 2018 for 4-weeks
Where: Evolution Yoga, 2700 Bellevue Ave, Syracuse, NY. In the Winkworth Professional Building.
Investment: $50 for the 4 week series or $15 drop in to any class
Week 1 ~ You & Your Body
Week 2 ~ Youth & Beauty
Week 3 ~ Self-Healing
Week 4 ~ Emotions & Hormones
Contact me to register
Call or text: 917 518 5676
Coming soon: Empowered Woman Two ~ Kundalini Yoga Series. We have so many powerful, transformative practices for women in Kundalini Yoga. The second series will continue the transformation!
*For women only. All yoga levels.
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